Today I have a new cool blog over there. She's Rache and her blog's named Green. She's from United Kingdom and lives in Bristol, England. I'm guessing she loves the green color, which is great, it matches my current layout. Speaking of, I'm thinking that maybe I should change my layout, but I don't know which could be the best choice, there's many pretty ones out there. Anyways, returning to the main idea of this paragraph. Please visit her, she'll be here a whole week and I'm sure there will amusing posts over there.
Usually I try to write fun and amusing stuff here, but sometimes I can't help it and I write sad things. I know that most people don't like reading sad and sometimes weird entries. But this blog's supposed to be kind of my personal diary, so sometimes I have to write about my breakdowns and my issues. Of course, this causes my GoogleAds to advertise about depression, increasing your IQ, bipolar things...It's weird, sometimes they even surprise me with....procrastination solutions. I mean, how do they know? I don't think I've ever mentioned my procrastination issues here...Once again Google surprised me.
Gabby people like to read well written post. Happy or sad just as long as they are real. Just keep writing.
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