Forgive and forget
posted by Gabriela on Sunday, October 15, 2006|

Hi everyone

Thanks for your comments on my last post, I have already answered back there, and visited your blogs, and probably commented there too. I really like to know that someone actually reads what I write, and I love to read what you've got to say. So, keep them coming. =)

Yesterday, I forgot about my blog. How did that happen? I don't know! It just did. I opened a new offer for Rent My Blog and I forgot to check the bids. Today, I remembered about my blog, and I had 10 bids, but most of them had already expired, so I don't know which blogs were they.

Anyways, there's a new cool blog over there, I have read it before and that's why I chose it. I really enjoy reading it, and I think you will too. So, visit Delilah (the owner) and leave a comment if you like what you read. By the way, if you are one of the other 9 blogs, leave a comment and I'll visit your blog. It's the least I can do. Oh, and keep bidding, well only if you want to.


So, maybe you're wondering what has happened in my life lately. Maybe you're not, but I'll keep writing. I usually say not much has happened, but this is not the case. So many things have happened but they're not written, and some pieces of information are lost forever. Don't worry, I've learned my lesson, so I'll start writing about today.

Today, I was once again, a victim of disappointment. It is a horrible thing to feel, and I think all of us have been through that. You think you know someone, and you trust that someone. That someone is your friend, maybe your best friend. And you forgive what your friend does, even when the signs are there, saying: "Your friend's not a good person." But you don't listen, and you believe in your friend. You forgive, you forget, you believe, you deny what everything and everyone says about your friend. You're blind, you're deaf, you trust. And you fall. You fall, and you end up blaming yourself.

How could you fall for that? How could you forgive and forget?

That last words forgive and forget, I have tried for years to understand the essence of them, and I can't. I know the basics, but I don't understand. Some say: "Forgive and forget." But I ask, how can you forgive and forget if you could get hurt once more? Everytime I forgive and forget I do it without thinking about it, I do it from the heart, and when I fall again, I don't want to forgive anymore, and I don't want to trust, I don't want to love, I don't want to believe....but I do it again.

And it gets harder everyday, maybe the day will come, when I stop forgiving. And I want that, but I don't, at the same time. I don't want to forgive anymore to protect myself. But I want to learn the art of forgiving to free myself. Sorry, if this is unclear, but this is a blur for me too.

I once heard that forgiving is for the strong, I guess I'm not that strong. Hopefully, someday...that's one of my goals.



Blogger MODERN b0i said... on 1:18 AM  

In some senses, it is impossible to truly forget acts that have been committed against us. We cannot selectively "delete" events from our memory.

So one can't "forgive and forget" in a literal sense, it is in a figurative one.

That is, if someone lied to us and they are truly sorry and they never lie to us again, it would be unforgiving of us to bring up the fact that person lied to us in the past.

So even though we will probably NEVER FORGET that person lied, if we forgive that person we will never mention that transgression.

However, we must also act with intelligence.

Another example:

We loan money to a friend and the money is never repaid; we forgive the debt and we never bring up the fact that friend failed to paid that debt.
It would be foolish for us to loan a large sum of money to this friend again.

One may get burnt with fire but this does not make fire bad or evil. One may still have a wonderful friendship with fire and produce wonderful things.

Blogger Pause said... on 11:18 AM  

Remember we all have selfish moments. We all set limits with our friends. One of my best friends has his faults, the fact that I put up with those faults is not forgotten by him and he puts up with mine. It is a balance.

Every friendship is different.

Blogger GeminiWisdom said... on 6:30 PM  

Ditto to everything Modern B0i said over there. He's good. He's real good. I'm beginnging to wonder if he's a therapist or something.

But he's right. There are some things you can't forgive and other things you just have to "suck it up and deal". We don't know what your friend did. Whether you reveal that here, we don't care. We're just going to tell you what we think and you'll have to decide for yourself whether this friend is worthy of your friendship or not

Blogger Tania said... on 10:25 PM  

Gee.. your thoughts sound like mine!

Blogger Will said... on 12:59 PM  

This is why the quality of the people you surround yourself with is so important. The world is filled with people who are self-centered and don't care much about how their actions affect others - unless those actions get thrown back in their face. And I hate to say this, but often women are the biggest victims of being treated poorly by others because many guys have a sort of entitled feeling towards women. If you feel lonely or sad or self-conscious or whatever, those feelings only get worse if you're around people that use you or don't respect you. So, my suggestion is to be careful and have high standards for yourself... there's no reason to think that you deserve anything less than friends who care for you and respect you.

Blogger Airah said... on 5:37 AM  

"forgive and forget."

i hate those words.

people who say that are the type which only go with the flow because they're too afraid of what other people will say.

a person can't just forgive and forget. there must be something to be done.

or maybe, that's just me.

anyway, i hope i'm not being too nonsensical. *grins*

anyway, your blog is nice. ;)

have a nice day! *hugs*


Blogger Gabriela said... on 12:59 PM  

Hi people, thanks again for your comments.

modern b0i, thanks for your thoughts, I think I can understand better now. I guess I'll just learn from this experience.

croaker, I think it's hard to find a balance, but it is possible, and that's what matters.

geminiwisdom,yeah, I'm also wondering about modern b0i, he's always right =). About my situation, my friend hasn't asked for forgiveness, so there's not much I can do about it.

tania, hehe I think we all have similar thoughts every now and then. And sometimes it's nice to know someone else is thinking the way you do.

will, I agree with you, but it's hard to know if someone's worth it. Anyways, I'll keep that in mind.

airah, thanks, I'll visit your blog. And yeah forgiveness is a difficult thing.


Blogger CyberCelt said... on 7:46 PM  

Happy C&C Monday. Off to see your renter.

Gabbi, get a dog. If you dog does not like someone, run the other way. I have found this is my best way to determine who is "real" and who is not.

Blogger justina said... on 6:37 AM  

I like your entry!

Blogger Gabriela said... on 8:11 PM  

cybercelt, your advice is original, and I already have a dog, but I think she hates me. =(

justina, thanks a lot, I'll visit your blog.

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