A good girl
posted by Gabriela on Saturday, October 28, 2006|

A few days ago, in my way home. I was thinking about my day, and I noticed that it had been pretty good. I didn't win the lottery, I didn't meet the love of my life, I didn't accomplish much. But still I coud feel the calm within me, happy calm. I could remember bad days, and tell how far they were from the place where I was standing at the moment.

How did I make my happy day? There were several ingredients involved. Right now, I can only remember a speech from a teacher I thought was evil. And now I think, maybe he's not. I love when someone surprises me, it's one of the best things that can happen to me. Actually the day was a total surprise. I thought it would totally suck and it didn't.

That same day, when I finally arrived home, I saw my mom. And I thought what I always do: "I'm so lucky to have her, and I'll never end up thanking for having her." And I felt lucky because I am able to love her while she's still with me. Some people don't care about what they have until it's gone. But I do, and everyday that I have her with me I'm so thankful. It's like having something you don't deserve, and each day that passes by, you can't believe you still have it. That's how I feel about my mom. I know that everything that I have and everything I am, is because of her. What she has given me, will never go away. She's the reason why I live, in all possible ways. She gave birth to me, she takes care of me, and she gives me a reason to stay here.

After all those thoughts, that are really common in my life. I started thinking about God, and I admitted that I could easily say that I love my mother more than I love God. Or maybe I love God, and I haven't noticed it.

We all have heard stories about a daughter that takes her mom for granted, but one day, she notices that she really needs her, and really loves her. Maybe that happens with my love for God. I don't know why, but I never think about God, I never pray, I never ask him for anything. But I'm still good for some reason.

If I ever have to say something good about me, I would say: "I'm a good girl". Not perfect, not oustanding, just good. Sometimes I think it's not enough, and think life's unfair. But there's also nice moments, when it just makes me so happy to be good. Being a good girl, is what I want to be, and everything I do, I do it to stay here. I believe it will make me happy, eventually.

My daily thought:

"I want to help, and make a difference. That's my road to happiness."



Anonymous Anonymous said... on 8:51 PM  


I really like your blog. so much resource and great blogs on how to become a good girl..lol. in fact if i were you i would go to http://www.autosurfmonster.com and submit this blog so thousands of others can see it for free. well, i look forward to all the updates. Thanks again and i have added your blog to my favorites.


Blogger Gabriela said... on 10:20 PM  

Thanks Jessica for your comment and for the nice things. Yeah, I should try that, I don't get a lot of traffic. =)


Blogger justina said... on 9:48 PM  

We should treasure the loved ones around us and not take them for granted. I agree with you totally!

Blogger Gabriela said... on 7:35 PM  


I think that's super important, not to take your life for granted, be grateful about what you have. Sometimes it's hard though.


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