Getting better
posted by Gabriela on Thursday, September 06, 2007|

After almost four weeks of being in med school, I think it's getting better. Maybe it's not as bad as I thought it would be, maybe, just maybe, it's just a matter of time for me to get use to all these new things.

Speaking of new. I still can't adjust to my new friends. I just can't imagine hanging with them instead of my high school friends, I've never been in this kind of situations. I've always had someone from my old school in my new school. And now, all of sudden I'm alone, trying to fit in. By the way, my high school friends suck, they never call me when they hang out. Whatever... I finally understood Gandhi's quote: "Nobody can hurt me without my permission. "

On a side note, there are so many hot guys at med school it's like wow. You know... And they're not only hot, they're also smart, well, they must be, if not, what the hell are they doing at med school?

Anyway, life's getting better. Kind of...


P.S. Sorry for not reading blogs and not answering comments lately. School work has been quite frustrating and overwhelming lately. I'll try to catch up with the blogosphere this weekend. And hopefully someday I'll find a way to get everything done, and blog everyday. Yeah, sure...

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Blogger Amelia said... on 10:19 AM  

Totally understand, college girl =) I just had my first week at school (again!) and it was absolutely crazy. But I agree, life does get better, and we get better handling it too.

Good luck on everything.


Blogger Kat said... on 9:27 PM  

oh lucky.
Med. school seems like the perfect place to get guys.
Smart guys.
I'm jealous.
And I understand what it's like not knowing anyone. I have nobody.
But, I'm slowly meeting people.

Blogger Unknown said... on 12:07 PM  

Oh ya, med school guys are HAWT! See? I told you there would be...better things to look forward to in med school! ;)

Now I demand you talk to the next hot guy you see in the hall.

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