posted by Gabriela on Sunday, August 19, 2007|

I think it's time for me to describe some of the social changes I've experienced in my new school. See, my new classmates-friends, are so different from what I'm used to. It's nice and frustrating.

* Apparently the normal state of being is "not single". It's so weird, in a group 0f 45 people just about 5 are single, and I'm one of them naturally. This is not how it used to be for me. I was never a minority when being single. But now, everytime I say I'm single they make me feel like it's a disease and I'm about to die. It's so frustrating. So, I need someone NOW, I don't care who it is. Oh, wait, I do. I'm too picky. But it's too "uncomfortable" being single. What should I do? What do you think? And don't tell me to ignore it and forget about it. I need practical advice, not "being patient" crap. Okay. That was quite desperate. I'm just kidding, say anything, as long as it's advice.

* Everyone talks shit about everyone, but apparently everyone "likes" everyone. The other day I said I didn't like someone, and I thought my comment would be welcomed. My bad. Apparently, even though they talk shit of that person, they like her. It's so frustrating. I don't know how it works! Usually, if I don't like something about someone, I don't like that someone. And just so you get a clear idea of why I don't like this particular person... she said I was ugly! In a polite passive agressive way, but still, how dare she? Even if I was the ugliest person in the world and she was the prettiest, she has no right. That bitch!

* They laugh at my jokes. Sometimes I'm not even trying to be funny and they laugh. The other day I said the word "hygienic" and they found it so cute. That's right, they find me cute. And they find me pretty. And all THAT is new. Did I say they laugh at my jokes? It's so weird how, even if I don't really fit in YET, I feel accepted among them. Suddenly I'm not that forgetable.

I'm making an effort to adjust to all these changes. Meanwhile I have one new girlfriend. I don't know why she likes me. But thank God. I don't know what I'd do without her. A girl always needs at least one girlfriend. Don't you think?


P.S. I forgot to mention how yesterday went, let's just say it was fun and harmless. I'm glad I didn't miss it. And I was 99% sober.

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Blogger toby said... on 6:53 AM  

I can't think of anything worse than being in a "couple" at the start of med school! So many new people to meet.
There are bitchy cliques, same as everywhere, but I wouldn't try to fit in with them unless you want bitchy friends. It's almost certain that you haven't yet discovered the friends who'll stick with you through the course. I didn't click with my best bud till the second year! But I had a load of fun in the first year too!

Blogger Just a girl said... on 6:14 AM  

Hey Gaby,
I would certainly agree that a girl needs AT LEAST one girlfriend, and I'm glad you've got one...hmm, it sounds really awful for you, but it's all so hard and weird and different because it's new, you know, b/c you don't know anyone, so you can't identify them as "bitchy" or "nerdy" or "two-faced" etc...but in these next few weeks you'll get a pretty good idea. No doubt you'll be friendly with different people as you get to know them better, but in the meantime just try to get to know everyone. If they're not making an effort to get to know you, then who cares about them either?
Oh, and the single thing? Don't go for a guy unless he's worth it. Don't chase one b/c you want a guy, you'll end up being disappointed (plus you're using him...). Whatever. I've also been single, so I can understand that you really want a guy (a lot of my girlfriends have boyfriends and I'm so jealous!) but I've come to realise that if you're not into a relationship, it's SO not worth it.
Hope this helps!
Just a girl

Blogger Kat said... on 2:04 PM  

about not being single... I know I probably have no right to give you advice, but here goes:
Be open-minded.
Don't follow the same patterns when trying to find someone.
Just do something unexpected & out of character.
You'll meet people you wouldn't have noticed before, and maybe find someone.
Sorry if that's horrible advice. But, it's what worked for me... kind of.
Well, we'll see.

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