Mac freak
posted by Gabriela on Sunday, February 11, 2007|

I didn't know it was a such big deal choosing between a PC and a Mac. I've always chosen a PC. I never even considered a Mac. But lately some Mac freaks, I mean fans have been telling me how Mac is so much better, and how it does everything. As I stood speechless, and running out of material to defend my position.

I was really waiting for new Windows Vista, but now, I'm just a little confused and disappointed. Everybody says it's nothing compared to Mac OS X.

Until yesterday I thought a PC was just as good as Mac, but now I'm beginning to think it is not.

I think I will convert, but I'm not proud of it. I don't want to be like them, those Mac freaks that worship the brand and despise PC. No offense intended. Believe me. I'm a freak myself.

Well, I'll think about it for a while. I still have Windows XP, and I think I can stand being "old" for a while. I'm not buying a new laptop for a while.

Anyways, what are you Mac freak or PC oldie? What do you think?


P.S. In case you find this quite stupid, I must tell you it is. But I've always been loyal to PC's and Google. It is a big deal for me. A stupid big deal. =)

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Blogger j said... on 8:45 PM  

Haha! I don't even know the difference. All I know is that the Compaq laptop I have is pretty sweet.

Blogger Gabriela said... on 9:22 PM  

LOL. I have a Dell laptop, but I've just fell in love with a HP.

Still, I have to think about it.

Blogger Matt said... on 11:17 PM  

There is a reason why Mac lovers are considered "freaks" as you call them. It is because they passionately believe that Macs ARE superior to PCs. If they didn't feel this way, then why would they go through all the trouble of freely promoting the mac brand? When was the last time you ever heard someone go freakishly out of their way to promote a PC?

I used to be the same as you, until one day when I actually used a mac. The experience was enough to make me do a complete 180. Now I'm a Mac FREAK!!! I wouldn't have it any other way.

-Matt Savage

Anonymous Anonymous said... on 7:31 AM  

I just went through this when I was looking for a replacement for that HP laptop that kept on betraying me :> . To make things harder, I'm a .Net Developer, and .Net does not go well with Mac OSX. Sure, I could just use the laptop for personal stuff, but I like having a box I can do home dev work on sometimes.

Still, I kept on thinking, "Boy, it'd be nice to have a Mac." 'Cause in a lot of ways they ARE superior.

I can tell you one thing: don't go for Vista just yet. Lots of programs aren't compatible yet, some hardware needs frequent updates, and it's definitely something to get used to. If you do go with a PC, get one with XP that's compatible with Vista (try to get a dual processor with a minimum of 1G RAM available; Vista runs like a top on 2G), and upgrade in six months or so, after M$ has had a chance to fix some of the outstanding issues.

Blogger Gabriela said... on 5:26 PM  

matt savage:

LOL. I'm glad there's some Mac freak here, it's nice to have both points of view. I think I'll end up being a Mac freak. It sounds like fun, better fun. =)


Thanks for the advice, I guess it's good to wait. Besides, I still need to sell this laptop to buy another. That might take time. And the deciding thing will take some time too.

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