The bestest
posted by Gabriela on Sunday, February 18, 2007|

I've always wondered, what happens to people who believe they're superior? Really, does someone know?

I have a friend who thinks she's the smartest, the prettiest, definitely "the bestest". And I've noticed lately, she always thinks everything is about her, she thinks everyone is there for her and not for some other reason. If she needs something, instead of getting it herself, she asks for someone to do it for her. I don't know why she does this, but it really annoys me.

She laughs at everyone, she laughs at me! And what I hate the most, is when she laughs at me when I'm actually saying something that I mean, something that I care about, and she hurts me by doing this. Agh, so annoying.

And why does she think I'm like her? She's always saying I'll make her same mistakes. Yeah, maybe I will, but she shouldn't say it. Let me say it like this, if she makes a mistake it's because it is a normal thing everyone will do. According to her.

Sometimes I feel like she shows off on purpose, just to make me feel bad about myself. Why does she think she's the best? Why can't she be humble? She's always saying: "Hmm, well I'm so good in this... blah blah, not everyone is like that...."

Please somebody tell me, karma does exist.




Anonymous Anonymous said... on 6:42 AM  

I had a "friend" (note the quotes) like that in high school and college. I finally got tired of the one-up-manship and ditched her. Last I heard, she's living the Small Town Nightmare: too many kids, dead-end job, husband goes on lots of long business trips, that sort of thing. Surprisingly, a lot like the marriage her parents had (except for the kids; she was an only child).

Karma is real! It's just not always as instant as we might want it to be. Sometimes it takes time for the ditch people drive their lives into to become apparent to others.

Blogger j said... on 10:02 AM  

Karma does exsist, don't you worry.

Just slap her in the face and say "Bitch please, you so don't matter in the real world." Then walk away!

I know people like her annoying, I hate high school.

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