Friday's hot place
posted by Gabriela on Sunday, March 09, 2008|

I mentioned before I was getting braces this weekend, and I have. It's some serious pain I must say... ok now I'm being a drama queen, it's not that that bad but eating isn't fun anymore. I won't feel like eating until I get used to this, but it's ok, it will only last a year, and everyone keeps telling me it will be totally worth it. It better be!

I'm still not sure if I look good or not that bad, yesterday I felt like Josie Grossy from Never Been Kissed (love that movie by the way). Anyway, today I feel good about it.

My weekend was alright. I went out Friday and Saturday night with my friends from med school.

On Friday I went to a new club (new to me). At first, I didn't feel like going, but I shut down the "party pooper" inside of me and went. Danny, Kate and me got in without ID just to find out nobody else had arrived yet.

The place was full of preps from high school, it was weird cause I never see them. For some reason we never go to the "hot places", but apparently this time we were in Friday's hot place. So... good.

Mary arrived later with her brother and his friends. I didn't drink, and it was cool. You know...everytime I like "not drinking" more and more. So I was completely sober.

After a while, other guys from school arrived, and they were hanging with us girls. One guy was totally hitting on Kate, and we were all making fun of them, and he was being annoying. Poor Kate... thank God she wasn't sober.

One of the guys asked me my name, I keep being naive about these things and thought he was just being friendly. Anyway, he was quite nice to me all night, like friendly. I thought he would realize I was no fun, and get bored, but maybe I'm not that boring, that, or he liked my shyness. I don't know which of those is less inconceivable though. Danny kept making fun of him, pushing him against me, and asking him if he liked me. Poor him... I'm used to Danny's "childish" behavior but he kept trying to explain things to me. As if I didn't know Danny! Anyway, it was nice overall, he was being that friendly because he was a little bit drunk.

Saturday, I went to a school party, strangely nobody from school (but me and my friends) showed up. There was a lot of people and good music. I even saw other preps from high school, and had to said hi. No biggie though, I remember them being cool on high school.


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Blogger Kat said... on 2:21 PM  

Oh no.
Not braces.
I'm so sorry.
I have them, too.
It's miserable.
But they will be worth it.

Anonymous Anonymous said... on 2:46 PM  

Ditto. I had them for 2-3 years and I hated it. There was a lot of stuff I couldn't eat. I didn't chew gum during that time and now, when I chew it, I don't chew it for very long. It's like my jaw hurts from the constant chewing or something. LOL. And I was totally bummed that I couldn't eat popcorn or corn on the cob.

Blogger Just a girl said... on 3:38 AM  

No, braces hurt. It's OK to say it. They are bitches. And I know this because I had braces not once, but twice. Yep, twice. Around the end of primary school I was seeing an orthodonist to correct my overbite, but after high school started (and braces were deemed necessary) we changed orthodonists to someone who worked nearer to where we live. After seeing him (in an orthodontic sense!) for 3 years, I was getting really frustrated at having them on for so long without an end in sight - my ortho didn't seem fussed by my progress. So we changed back to our original orthidontists, and he took our braces off and then replaced them, hence I have had my braces done twice. So I can completely relate. Yeah, they suck, but you will get used to them, and they are so worth it. I got clear ones, so the look wasn't so bad. But most people get them, and it's better than getting them at, like, 40 (like in Sex and the City!), because that just looks weird, I'm sorry, but it does. At least it's more acceptable right now.

I'm getting my wisdom teeth - all four - out over Easter. Not looking forward to it, I've heard it's extremely painful. Yikes.

Also, you caneat some of the things they tell you not to. ;-)

Just a girl

PS: Glad you're enjoying the sober thing. I can also completely relate!

Blogger Unknown said... on 5:24 PM  


LOL. Loved your comment.


Yeah, it kinda sucks.

just a girl:

They don't hurt that much anymore. And yeah,I'm getting used to them, it's not that bad I guess.

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