Like any other guy
posted by Gabriela on Thursday, April 03, 2008|

The guy sucks. He's just like any other guy, wanting to feel better with himself making me miserable. A detailed story would be obnoxious, so I'll say it like this: he tried to make me jealous and I fell for it (stupid me) and he noticed, and he loved it, I know he did, and then he tried to let me know that he was still available so I could keep liking him. As if! What an idiot!

I don't know what to do, I want to win in his game. I'll have to be better than him. But how? I'll go ahead and ignore him and show him that he's not important to me, and that I deserve so much better, and that I can have so much better.

My stomach weirdness is gone, but I was nervous all afternoon until I talked with some friends who gave me some advice and made me feel better.

I' m just so angry, I thought he was nice, but he's just a perfect idiot, and I fell for it, that's the worst part.


P.S. Today I visited my high school and it was okay, nothing special actually, as if I never left.

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Blogger Just a girl said... on 3:31 AM  


You said it: you deserve so much better, and you can have so much better. It hurts when it's someone you do like, but it seems to me that if he plays those games, he's not worth it.

Just a girl

Blogger Gabriela said... on 5:22 PM  

just a girl:

he's so not worth it. I didn't like him that much but I thought he was a nice decent guy so I was upset.

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