One peso tip
posted by Gabriela on Thursday, March 20, 2008|

How many times do I have to say "my life sucks" for it to be over?! Okay, I get it. It doesn't work that way. You know? Today wasn't even a bad day, it was okay...until something ruined it.

I realized I don't have a best friend, I don't even talk with the few friends that could fit in that category. And my friends don't even seem friends, I feel quite insignificant around them. I feel lonely and sad, and it sucks. I want to go to school so badly, just to keep my mind busy. How sad...

My driving lessons will finally be over tomorrow, I think I did well overall. I'll probably get my license on Saturday, and I guess that's good. I still need some practice, cause I'm not that good.

Yesterday I went out with some friends, and it was mostly nice, I saw a friend I hadn't seen in a while, and I told him about my misadventures cause everyone here is sick of hearing them, LOL, just kidding, I don't even talk about my stupid misadventures to my "friends". But I did told him. It was good. The only bad thing about the whole night was that we went to a restaurant, and somehow we ended leaving a one peso tip (which is nothing), and we should have left at least 70 pesos. The weird thing was most of us had left 10 pesos each, but someone didn't pay...and I know who that someone was! And that's why I don't like going to restaurants with him. Not leaving tips is one of the things I hate doing, maybe I was a waitress in another life. Anyway, I couldn't pay 70 pesos by myself just because someone was being cheap. I feel bad for the waiter who was very patient and nice to us. He must have hated us after seeing the tip.


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Anonymous Anonymous said... on 3:16 PM  

Don't you hate people like that? But something like that is bound to happen when you're in a big group. All I can say is...karma. It's all about karma, Gabs. What goes around, comes around. If this person has a habit of stiffing people in general, it's probably going to happen to the person later in life. Just on a bigger scale.

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