Not that bright?
posted by Gabriela on Sunday, May 11, 2008|

Life's not good at the moment. I'm doing terribly at school and it's bringing me down. I keep trying (studying really hard) and all I get out of it are 60's or 70's. Maybe I'm just not that bright...?

There's a big chance I won't make it to the second year, and the idea of repeating the first year... I can't even describe the damage that would do to my self-esteem.

I'm starting to believe I can't do this. Maybe this isn't right for me, but I don't know where to go. I don't have another plan. I don't want to drop out, but I really don't want to repeat the first year. I've never felt so stupid, so dumb, so... mediocre.

I'm still trying to get through it all, I'm still studying, and trying to think positive, though it's impossible at this point. All I have are bad grades.

Finals are coming, and I couldn't feel more unprepared.

Anyway, I won't blog for a while I guess.

See you guys later.




Blogger Voegtli said... on 10:10 PM  

Don't let this low feeling mine you. Try to get over it so that you don't have to redo the school year. I know you can succeed. Concentrate to better your grades. Use your free time to relax, like listening to music, walk around a little bit, sit in a cafe and chat with friends.

But don't use your free time to blog. This needs again some kind of concentration. Which you need for above. For us, you don't have to worry. We will always be around and will be happy when you blog again. Because this means you have succeeded.

Take care.


Anonymous Anonymous said... on 5:45 PM  

I agree with Worldman. School is more important than blogging right now. If you have to, get a tutor. Don't be so proud that you'll refuse help.

Anonymous Anonymous said... on 12:50 PM  

Oh hun! This really stinks, but perhaps you're trying too hard? I know that when I was having difficulty in Math, I sat back, relaxed and took a different approach to it.

I think that your self esteem is weighing a part in this; even if its a small part. When we feel negatively about something, we tend to put less effort into it without even knowing we're putting less effort into it.

You'll know in time if its what you want to do, I believe in you hun! I'll still be here when you get back after finals :)

Try to re-focus your energy on school mmkay? I wish the best for you!

Blogger Just a girl said... on 8:42 PM  

Dear Gaby,

Try to believe that it's not the end of the world. Can you get help, extra tutes, revision courses, and so on with your work? (I just know that when I had trouble with math last year - which I did, majorly, after failing the yr 11 exams - I did a revision course before the exams, and it helped so much.) Don't give up just because you think you can't do it. We know you're stronger than that.

And don't degrade yourself by saying "not that bright." It's first year, hun, and it's going to be a struggle; med was never meant to be easy. Anything in life worth having is never easy.

And even if this isn't for you, there are always other options, right? Other professions, other courses, other ways to get into the field. Because I truly believe that it all works out in the end. If it's not working out, it's not the end.

Whatever happens, I just want to wish you well.

*big hug*


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