My 2008 to-do list
posted by Gabriela on Monday, December 31, 2007|

So I guess it has been a while since I last blogged... I went through something and I sort of didn't want to talk about it or blog about it, so I just really really cried about it. But I'm okay now. It was the kind of thing, you just don't want to admit you care about, and you don't want to admit it hurt you because it's not worthy.

The time I spent without blogging was quite normal, I thought I would miss Forever 17 but it was fine, so now that I know that I can live without bloggling I might do it. But anyway, here I am.

Today, the first day of 2008 I'm a little sad, confused, and ashamed. I've been a bad girl I guess, and I'm not sure if I want to stop it, or if I want to keep going. I feel like I'm losing myself, and someday I won't be able to go back to what I was. But I don't want to be the good girl anymore, it never worked for me. But being the bad girl isn't working either. So I'll do both, I guess?

So, what changed in 2007? I'm no longer depressed, or maybe I am, but not that much, maybe just sometimes. My self-esteem is better. I feel a little more confident about myself, I have a little more hope that things will do better this year. On the other hand, I've experimented (sure that's a nice way to put it). And I won't give any details about that.

What do I want for next year? I guess the three basics: health, love, and money. I'm super good on the health department, except on the mental department of the health department. LOL. Hopefully I'll have good luck finding love. And I really really need an improvement on my economic situation.

My 2008 to-do list:

Things I should do but I don't want to:

1. Stop drinking

2. Excercise

3. Stop cursing

4. Be more open

5. Be less proud

Things I want to do but I probably shouldn't:

1. Try drugs

2. Lose weight

Things I want to do and should do:

1. Eat well

2. Learn something new

3. Be more outgoing (without alcohol)

4. Do better at school (I seriously need this one)

5. Stop kissing strangers (I promise I will)

5. Keep being a non smoker (yay)

6. Write on my diary every single day (a hard one)

7. Write more

8. Dress better

9. Work on my manners

10. Learn to drive (I'm about to turn 19, so I think this one is must)

11. Have the summer of my life

So, which ones should be my final 12?


P.S. Happy New Year everyone. =)

Now playing: Natalie Imbruglia - Torn
via FoxyTunes

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Blogger Kat said... on 3:55 PM  

Gaby, I'm not saying you have to continue to blog, because that would be selfish, but do try to update every once and a while.
So far, I view you as my only reliable source about what college/ being older is truly about.
I hope 2008 is a great year for you - one that changes things for the better. And I hope you find love and confidence in yourself (not pride, there's a difference).
But just don't forget who you really are. Remember that you're identity can be all you're left with when it comes down to it.
Have a great year.

Anonymous Anonymous said... on 7:31 PM  

I agree with everything Kat said. Well, the second part anyway. I've been out of high school for years but it seems one can never really get away from the high school mentality. (shrugs) Go figure. And no, I'm not saying this because I write for teens. I'm talking about real life.

Anonymous Anonymous said... on 12:26 AM  

Hey Gaby,

I'm glad that you're more confident about yourself this year (last year, 07, whatever.) That's great news and shows that you're moving forward. I also hope you're now a little happier than you've hinted at in the past few weeks.

I admire your ambitions for the new year, and hope to include exercise, eating healthy, stop cursing and be more outgoing in my own "resolutions" (I really hate that word because they might be resolute, but they always change or never work out the way you wanted to).

I hope you find out who you really are. Sounds like you're a Good Girl Gone Bad (just kidding!) I believe that you can be both; do what you want but remember what's good for you, what you're comfortable with doing and what you can live with yourself for doing. You'll make mistakes, but don't be so harsh on yourself; the best thing you can do is learn from them. And remember, we all of us believe in you.

Just a girl

Anonymous Anonymous said... on 1:52 PM  

I don't want you to stop blogging, I hearts your posts!!!
I'm sorry I don't comment nearly often enough though...I do read though!!!

I agree with your resolutions and I hope you make them. I didn't really make any; other then to be happy. So far, I've not had much luck in that but I still have 11 months!

Blogger toby said... on 10:38 AM  

Good positive lists. Except for the drugs. Nothing wrong with alcohol if it helps in social situations; it's fun to get drunk too, sometimes, with people you trust.

If any guy encourages you to try drugs, he does not care about you. It's as simple as that.

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