Express gossip
posted by Gabriela on Wednesday, November 21, 2007|

Yesterday was such and overwhelming day. I spent most of the day being stressed because of homework, things I had study, and the McDreamy-Crooked Teeth incident. In the end it all sort of worked out, well, kind of.

Ok, so... Remember the McDreamy-Crooked Teeth incident? It totally blew up in my face. Long story short: McDreamy thinks I lied about the whole thing. I thought he would be mean to me because of this, but he was "cool" about it. So it was okay. But it's not THAT okay because I didn't lie.

And the other thing... Remember my stupid perfect movie-like thing? It's everything but perfect. Turns out, that when this guy (let's call him movie guy) said that his friend liked me, he was saying the truth, it was his friend and not him. So let me tell you how it happened.

I was doing homework with Danny, and then movie guy arrives with a friend. The moment that he introduced his friend, I knew it... It was his friend and not him who liked me. Danny realized it too but she kept being annoying about it, making fun of the guy because he likes me, she made the most illogical comments... and really thought I didn't notice at all. I kept pretending I had no idea of what was going on, I really didn't know what to do, and the whole thing was embarrassing so it was the best thing I could think of.

I was so busy and stressed because of homework, that I didn't pay much attention to him. But just the idea of someone liking me that way (not knowing me), is so weird. I mean, I had never ever noticed this guy before, and he likes me? Anyway, I was a little upset because it was not the movie guy, and even more upset because the movie guy seems to like another friend. On the other side the guy that does like me seems good, he's cute, and nice.

Meanwhile, Danny told everyone (all classmates) about this guy who likes me ... that's what she calls "express gossip". Oh, and I think my friends asked them (these two guys) to go out on Friday, and they keep telling this guy that he has to go because I'm going. And even though, I love being the center of attention from time to time, I don't know what to say when my friends keep asking me if I like him, and saying he's not ugly (their words, not mine).

I know one thing, I will not tell them I'm considering it, that would really set them off. But truth is, maybe, I mean..he's cute, seems nice, and he likes me. So, we'll see.


Now playing: Ashlee Simpson - Love Makes the World Go Round
via FoxyTunes

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Anonymous Anonymous said... on 1:58 PM  

Try the group setting first. At least you'll be safer that way. It may seem weird..someone liking you and not knowing you..but that's how it usually starts. I met my hubby thru He contacted me because I reminded him of a friend whom he'd had a crush on. There has to be something about you that he likes, so...

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