posted by Gabriela on Wednesday, January 16, 2008|

I want to get the poison out of me. I've been quite a bitch lately and it's not fun anymore, it just makes me feel... not guilty, but a little upset. I've noticed I'm a really good person, ok, I used to be. I've heard my friends talk about things they have done, and things they would do. And I mean, I couldn't and I won't. I can't harm people on purpose, and even though I'm not the kind of person that goes out and helps people (I know I should), I try to understand people and I think twice before judging.

Don't get me wrong, I know I'm not an angel, but I've realized I can do better.

So, what I really want to do first, is to stop any negative talking or evil plans, even if people really deserve it. I mean, who am I to say they deserve it? Even if they do. Besides, I'm worried about karma. So, I'll quit being a mean girl. I don't know if that will be easy, but I know I can do it, because I used to be...not a mean girl. Hopefully I'll get back to what I was before.

See you people!


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Anonymous Anonymous said... on 3:20 PM  

Okay. So I'll send out non-bitch vibes into the universe for you. It's nice to know you're aware of karma. Because even if some people do deserve it, whatever wrong they did is gonna come back on them. Ten-fold. It's only a matter of time.

Anonymous Anonymous said... on 10:25 AM  

Innocence is beauty, who wants to be the girl who knows all the secrets? Seriously, it's not as amazing as you'd think.

The bitchy thing can be a little bad for your own personal aura, so perhaps smile more and bitch less LOL! Like I said, you catch more bees with honey!

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