Sundays suck
posted by Gabriela on Saturday, January 26, 2008|

Is my life as boring as I think it is? Or is it just me whining about it the whole time? I don't know, I feel like it's pretty much boring, even to me.

Anyway, today was nothing at all, I should have studied but I didn't. Don't worry there's no big test coming, it's just that, if I don't study everyday, it will be impossible to do so one day before the big test. And I made that mistake last year (twice), and I'm trying to change things this time. And I wonder, if I will make it. Of course I can, but will I? I guess we'll see.

Did I mention today was boring? I didn't go out or anything, actually right now, I'm thinking it was a complete waste of time to take a shower and get dressed. I don't even know if it's cold out there or not, I haven't even looked out the window. So, as you can see... complete waste of time...and clean clothes...and water...and soap...and shampoo. Ok, I think you know what I mean.

So, I should probably go now and read or something...and by reading I don't mean real meaningful reading. I mean, stupid anatomy, embryology, histology, and some other crap. Ok, don't get me wrong, I love all of my subjects, and I know they will be useful someday, but I'm really annoyed right now because of my crappy lame day, and tomorrow's Sunday, so I can't expect life to get better by tomorrow. Sundays always suck, I hate Sundays.


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